This evening, for the first time in a long time, I left work under clear skies with the sun on my back. It's so mild that my standard winter combination of skull-cap, buff, micro-fleece and waterproof is far too hot. Again, for the first time in a long time!
At this rate, I'll be home before dark (yet again, for the first time....etc) so I may even revert to my "fair weather" route home through the lanes. I'd better strip off a couple of layers (with apologies to the rest of the passengers on this train) and break out the shades.
When you're out in the elements daily, as we cycle commuters are, you really get to feel the seasons changing. Today, there is a definite sense of having come out on the other side if winter and into longer, lighter and (occasionally) warmer days. It's a good feeling.
Spring is springing and life is good!
Trouble is up here on the north , the weather changes from day to day. Irritating. Hope you are going well