Wednesday, 18 April 2012

The rain it raineth every day*

I’ve had quite a few rain-lashed commutes now.  This morning was no exception so at least I was able to plan ahead and put on my “Really Good but Heaviest” waterproof (as opposed to packing my “Really Small but Barely” waterproof in the rucksack just in case).  To be honest, I doubt the difference between them is more than a handful of grams but like all good cyclists, I have become obsessive about weight.  I don’t bother with parachute-like waterproof trousers either, preferring quick-drying but slim-fitting Ron Hill Tracksters.  They are warm even when wet, as are my Berghaus fleece gloves so no problems there.  Prefering as I do to wear trainers when cycling, I’d like some waterproof socks too but at £35 for a pair of Sealskinz, that can wait for a wealthier day I feel.  OK so my legs and feet get a bit wet but I can shower and change into dry things at the office and have all day to dry out my cycling kit for the journey home.
On the plus side however, I had the benefit of a strong tailwind which more than offsets the inconvenience of a bit of damp.  That may yet turn out to be a headwind on the way home though which will be received with considerably less jollity.
Being outdoors in the rain, has taught me one or two things about the stuff that we don’t tend to experience being cossetted indoors or in the car:
  1. It is rarely raining as heavily as it looks once you get outside.
  2. The really heavy “big” rain is usually only a quick shower, no more than a few minutes long.  The residual stuff is actually not that bad.
  3. Spray and splash from the road wet you much quicker and more thoroughly than actual rain.  Mudguards are a must.
  4. Fog, although not actually rain, wets you more than you’d think.
  5. A philosophical point:  Once you are wet, you don’t get any wetter.
  6. A further philosophical point:  It’s only a bit of rain and you won’t dissolve so get out there and get on with it!
We shall see how stoical I manage to remain in the face of it this evening, especially if there’s that headwind…

*With apologies to W. Shakespeare

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